Thursday, 3 September 2009

She's Lost Control-England, what a Cuntry!

Network Rail is first into room 101, followed closely by our miserable fuckin excuses for a summer, or even proper winters, our joke of a substitute prime minister, the beaucracy applied to everything from busking to incarcerating real criminals, the social snobbery I see in London every fuckin day I force myself to pretend it's still my home.
Rupert Murdoch, Conde´Nast and Philip Green for capatalising on the talentless blow-up dolls and initiating them as gods of good looks to the congregation of potentially intelligent sheep that hand over their plastic pound to feel like their truly apart of this skin deep religion.

Ok these are small things and I am overlooking the blessings that come with being an English citizen, having a key to The Kingdom. Credit to the greater things, free health, education and social care, freedom of speech and our liberally advanced social laws.

But I also have some questions about the greater fuck-ups.
Why do so many people I know feel like they're being screwed every time they move, expensed by high taxes and the daily cost of living? Why are those lucky enough to have a job and earn a salary which would stretch twice as far in any other first world country, and keep a village in a third world country, still find themselves turning to banks for extended overdrafts and credit cards? And why have the banks given them to us and expected us to keep up with payments when we clearly didn't have any money in the first place?
Why do we continue to feign power over poorer countries for their natural resources and cheap labour when we are also now in a £2 Trillion debt?

The good things about Britain today are product of lessons learnt with recent World Wars.

"Look after our people and we'll have a powerful country worth fighting for in the future!"

Which begs the question if all it comes down to is humanity's neolithic age old struggle for money and control and thats not enough to motivate those peaceful and honest 21st century souls, then why should we play the game and more worryingly where do we evolve from here?


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