Monday, 24 August 2009

There's no such thing as Too Much

Give more.
People that have
Are the first to want to be rid of them,

Some people don't realise that no-one is ever entirely happy and that EVERYONE deserves to live, even the scum of the earth and thats why we don't execute them (in Britain)

The grass is not greener on the other side, make the most of what you have even if it's meagre, don't expect too much and you will always be happy (if not pleasently suprised)

Someone once said that the point of life is to learn as much as you can before you die, ok so not everyone is going to get a degree but your learning about yourself that maybe your crap at finance but at least your kind to (animals?)

It makes me angry when people toll with the idea of death,
I knew people who would have loved to live longer but didn't and
like a certain someone said:

"There's nothing glorious in dying. Anyone can do it."


  1. this is exactly what i wanted to write on the matter

    i agree completely


  2. I completely understand this point of view - it's frustrating when people seem negative and unaware of how blessed they still are. However I've had days so dark and down and where I've really suffered with things.

    I think at the end of the day, people suffer from conditions in which they react to life/situations in a negative way and find it hard to deal with things. I really despair at this country's mental health care facilities and people's attitude towards it. Nothing is ever as easy as 'smile, it will never happen' or as 'I'm going to end this now'. Everyone just needs to be aware of different people and their conditions....x
